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Worship Sunday - 19 January 2025
Worship Sunday- 12 January 2025
Fr. Ron will preach and celebrate Sunday. We have returned to our usual schedule of Rite I Eucharist at 8:00 am and Rite II at 10:00 am. Our 10:00 am service is streamed via our Facebook page, our YouTube channel and our website.
Fr. Ron will also preach and preside at our Wednesday 1:10 Eucharist, which will conclude by 1:45.
Please continue to send cards and make visits to our former Rector the Rt. Rev. Carl Wright at The View Alexandria, 5000 Fairbanks Ave., Alexandria, VA 22311.
On the third Sunday of each month we take up a special offering to address needs in our community. Our December Healing Sunday offering of $500 was sent to Caring Cupboard, and our January offering will support Arundel House of Hope.
The Rector's Discretionary Fund enables me to work on the church's behalf to care for those in need in our community, and to support the needs of worthy ministries, as I am made aware of these needs. I am always glad to receive gifts to this fund (either electronically or by checks made out to St. Andrew's with Rector's Discretionary Fund on the memo line). If you are facing job loss or a reduction in your family's income please don't hesitate to reach out to me personally.
--Fr. Jason
Gracious Father, the life of man is a warfare upon earth, and the dangers that assault us are diversely pointed against us: I beseech thee, be present with me in all the course and passages of my life; but especially in the services of my calling; suffer not malice to be able to hurt me, nor cunning to circumvent me; Nor violence to oppress me; Nor falsehood to betray me. That which I cannot foresee, I beseech thee prevent. That which I cannot withstand, I beseech thee master: That which I do not fear, I beseech thee unmask and frustrate; that being delivered from all dangers, both of body and soul, I may praise thee, the Deliverer; and see how happy a thing it is, to make the Lord of hosts my helper, in the day of fear and trouble. Especially, O Lord, bless and preserve me at this time from, &c. that I may glorify thee for this deliverance also, and be safe in the merits and mercies of Jesus Christ my only Lord and Saviour, Amen.
William Laud (1573-1645), 76th Archbishop of Canterbury. Abp. Laud is commemorated on January 10th.
The Rev. Jason A. Poling, D.Min.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
410-255-1070 (o)
410-241-4838 (m)
Worship Sunday - 5 January 2025
I look forward to worshiping with you Sunday. We have returned to our usual schedule of Rite I Eucharist at 8:00 am and Rite II at 10:00 am. Our 10:00 am service is streamed via our Facebook page, our YouTube channel and our website.
We will celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany on Monday the 6th with a Rite II Eucharist at noon.
We will not have our mid-week Eucharist at 1:10 Wednesday afternoon on January 1st.
Please remember that end-of-year gifts to St. Andrew's must be postmarked by December 31 to be included among your contributions for 2024.
Please continue to send cards and make visits to our former Rector the Rt. Rev. Carl Wright at The View Alexandria, 5000 Fairbanks Ave., Alexandria, VA 22311.
On the third Sunday of each month we take up a special offering to address needs in our community. Our November Healing Sunday offering of $300 will be sent to the Baltimore International Seafarers' Center, and our December Healing Sunday offering will support Caring Cupboard.
The Rector's Discretionary Fund enables me to work on the church's behalf to care for those in need in our community, and to support the needs of worthy ministries, as I am made aware of these needs. I am always glad to receive gifts to this fund (either electronically or by checks made out to St. Andrew's with Rector's Discretionary Fund on the memo line). If you are facing job loss or a reduction in your family's income please don't hesitate to reach out to me personally.
--Fr. Jason
He who was born from the heart of the Father before the beginning of the world,
Who is also named the alpha and omega,
Is himself the source and end of all that is, has been
And will be in the future for ages of ages.
Oh, blessed was that birth,
When the virgin mother impregnated by the Holy Spirit
Bore our salvation and the redeemer of the world
Showed his holy face as a boy to the ages of ages.
May the high heavens sing psalms, may all angels sing them,
May whatever is of any power anywhere sing psalms to praise God.
May no tongue be silent
And may each voice join in harmony for ages of ages.
Behold the one of whom the seers sang in past ages,
The one whose coming the reliable writings of the prophets affirmed.
The one who was once promised stands revealed.
Let all things praise him together during the ages of ages.
Let the old and the young, let the choir of little children,
The crowd of mothers and virgins, the simple girls,
Let their voices in unison proclaim you
In chaste harmony for ages of ages.
May you, Christ, together with the Father and the Holy Spirit
Have forever hymn and song and praise accompanied by prayer,
The giving of thanks, honor, power, victory and rule
In eternity for ages of ages.
--Latin, 6th c.
The Rev. Jason A. Poling, D.Min.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
410-255-1070 (o)
410-241-4838 (m)
Worship Sunday - 29 December 2024
The meaning of Christmas is that God is invading the territory held by the Prince of Darkness. The definitive closure of this cosmic invasion, the V-Day to its D-Day, will be the final Day of God. On that last day there will be only one Ruler, only one Lord. Scripture is quite clear and unambiguous about that. The Judge of all the cosmos will not be Satan. Radical evil will have no status in the day of judgment, or the day of final reconciliation... “Death shall have no more dominion” (cf. Rom. 6: 9). If evil is the absence of good, then the victory of our Lord and of his Christ will be the absence of evil, “for ever and ever.”
--Fleming Rutledge
St, Andrew's Pasadena - Chuck Wheeler
Worship Sunday - 22 December 2024
Worship Sunday - 15 December 2024
Worship Sunday - 8 December 2024
Worship Sunday - 1 December 2024
Thanks to everyone for so warmly welcoming our Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Carrie Schofield-Broadbent, when she made her episcopal visitation to St. Andrew's last Sunday. Bp. Carrie posted a lovely message about her visit (and several great pictures) on her Facebook page. Thanks to Laura Richardson for coordinating our potluck after the service, and to all who contributed to the $700 gift that St. Andrew's is making to her discretionary fund.
Fr. Ron will preach and preside Sunday. We have returned to our usual schedule of Rite I at 8:00 and Rite II at 10:00. Our 10:00 am service is streamed via our Facebook page, our YouTube channel and our website.
Fr. Ron will also preach and preside at our mid-week Eucharist at 1:10 today and next Wednesday afternoon. The service will conclude by 1:45.
Please continue to send cards and make visits to our former Rector the Rt. Rev. Carl Wright at The View Alexandria, 5000 Fairbanks Ave., Alexandria, VA 22311.
On the third Sunday of each month we take up a special offering to address needs in our community. Our November Healing Sunday offering of $300 will be sent to the Baltimore International Seafarers' Center, and our December Healing Sunday offering will support Caring Cupboard.
The Rector's Discretionary Fund enables me to work on the church's behalf to care for those in need in our community, and to support the needs of worthy ministries, as I am made aware of these needs. I am always glad to receive gifts to this fund (either electronically or by checks made out to St. Andrew's with Rector's Discretionary Fund on the memo line). If you are facing job loss or a reduction in your family's income please don't hesitate to reach out to me personally.
--Fr. Jason
Thanksgiving starts with thanks for mere survival,
Just to have made it through another year
With everyone still breathing. But we share
So much beyond the outer roads we travel;
Our interweavings on a deeper level,
The modes of life embodied souls can share,
The unguessed blessings of our being here,
The warp and weft that no one can unravel.
So I give thanks for our deep coinherence
Inwoven in the web of God’s own grace,
Pulling us through the grave and gate of death.
I thank him for the truth behind appearance,
I thank him for his light in every face,
I thank him for you all, with every breath.
--Malcolm Guite
The Rev. Jason A. Poling, D.Min.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
410-255-1070 (o)
410-241-4838 (m)